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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sin Shit

Today, while I was sitting on my throne... inspiration came to me.

What is sin like? Sin... in some ways is like shit. Although shit is actually in our bodies, but when we shit it out - we don't dare to touch it because it just feels super dirty. But hey! The shit actually came from our own bodies! How come is it disgusting when we can touch it on the outside but we don't feel that it is disgusting when it is on the inside...

We know that we are humans who are full of flaws, not only wicked - but at many times selfish and proud. I always amaze myself of how wicked my thoughts can be when I dislike a certain person. It amazes me the plans that I can imagine when I feel angry and want to take revenge. Aren't we to some extent like that too?

We are full of sin. But when we read the newspapers publishing murders - or when somebody else sin against us/gossip behind our backs/lie to us, it looks so horrible. Yet the truth is that we are infact full of such ugliness.

Ah... toilet moments (and bathing)... so refreshing.

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