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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dear Mr Alex Von Brasch

Post Summary:
Today, Alex, my Telecommunication subject lecturer asked me about how I found the course - so here is a reply which I will give him tomorrow

Dr. Alex, though nobody calls him that way - asked me very casually how I found the course thus far. Alex loves deriving Mathematical equations, and is always fascinated by double angles, integrations, and how technology is applied - he likes technology, creativity within mathematics and engineering. During classes, he spends much time deriving equations, telling us about the efficiency of certain systems - one could see that he loves what he teaches. Here is the reply:

Thanks Alex for asking,

I think the subject is wonderful thus far. I have been learning many new
things - about the coding system (how less bits are used for common information,
more bits are using for rare information). To learn about the different
modulating systems, how certain codes are more efficient than the others,
requiring synchronization - how the FM signal can be demodulated using the VCO

These are all very interesting, yet to some extent, as much as I want to
know more about the subject - I have to balance the tension between learning
much and memorizing concepts and formulas. There is simply too many things to
digest, and there is a certain grade that I aim to achieve. Classes are packed
along with all the tests and evaluations every other week - there simply isn't
much time to sit down and appreciate technology for what it is.

It is very unfortunate that the weeks have been shortened, I think the
class can see that there is more you want to tell and elaborate but time does
not permit. Even now as the exams are coming, there are also other subjects to
prepare for, and that failing subjects would incur heavy costs for students,
especially international students who pay an average of about 4 times more

But as a conclusion, I just want to let you know that I have learnt much
things in the TELE 3113 class. I thought it was a core subject and didn't know
it was an elective until recently. I will be doing TELE 4652 next semester as
I'm more interested in Telecommunication subjects. Thank you also for being
available whenever I looked for you during your consultation hour.

Your student,


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