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Monday, January 26, 2009


One day, I went donating blood in SJMC.

One of the staff nurse resigned to join the marketing team in some other company. I wonder how it happened.

2 men in their 40s were lying down opposite me, donating platelets.

Good thing the old nurse was still around, and she recognizes me. The new staff nurse looked okay-pretty. She was chatting away with the 2 men. After 2 minutes, I realized that the 2 men were flirting with the nurse - super disgusting.

One of them was just telling her how much of a businessman he is, how busy he is with so many businesses, about playing golf with clients, and commenting on Federer's tennis strokes.

The winks, the flirting. Stuff like

"Oh, I cancelled all my appointments JUST to come and donate blood. But OF COURSE, this is important. I had to tell my secretary to cancel all my appointments. Good thing my client was good, you know how these businesses relations are SO important, SO MUCH MONEY - but good thing, got a pretty nurse here... SURELY I will come back and donate blood. I'll call SJMC and ask if you are working on that day - if you are here then I will come and donate lah..."

If I didn't have to be responsible for my actions, I would have just walked over and slapped him. I wonder why the nurse was actually entertaining them. Maybe she was really impressed, I don't know. Lying down 10 feet away, it was really like watching chinese drama - in my heart I was just puking.

Until the moment I left the blood bank, the men were still demonstrating their "intelligence". In such situations, I like acting really dumb and ignorant while people make a fool out of themselves. It is funny. Damn funny. Ever see little kids argue about whose LEGO gun is more powerful? It is something like that, just the adult version.

I'm just musing over Christianity - whether the message goes somewhat along the lines of:

"Give up O man, God is all in all - concede your foolish efforts, this is getting nowhere"

Such boasting, while I see that they try so hard to impress... it is not hard to see the insecurity that fuels it as the flames of boasting grows larger and larger. The insecure are impressed by the insecure. The speaker gets puffed up for a moment, the listener is casted into a deeper despair. How idiotic.


Kai Chi said...

hahaa..do the guys even know how to flirt?=P It's pathetic man!

Anonymous said...

its good that they are lousy in it...

i would really tell them straight in the face if they went more subtle and erotic...

J-mes said...


That's pure flirtacious

Anonymous said...

Uh...seriously.It might work but most probably better for them to get a better way than that duh...