enjoy a beautiful song with me

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


1. Think with a purpose of knowing
Playing with ideas when you are not going to commit to will fill you with hot air and make you stupid

2. Think both ways
Argue with yourself and try winning against yourself - you feel better being merciless to yourself rather than having someone else doing it

3. Think with a possibility of failure
Anything can fail - trusting motivational speakers that tell you that you will surely succeed goes against simple logic

4. Think with desire
Point 1 was more of a desire issue rather than a discipline issue.

5. Think about a person
You are not who you think you are, but who you think - you are

6. Think until it hurts
Not very convincing, but you are really more stupid than who you ought to be. If you don't like the demotivating tone: You can always do better. No pain, no gain. Some of us think no pain = great gain. Not true. But yes, not all pain is gain.

7. Think reflectively
Don't just think about ideas "out there", but how whatever that is "out there" would imply consequences to you

There are wonderful things about thinking:

7. You think who you are - I should really make this clear. A good tree bears good fruit, a bad tree bears bad fruit. You know a tree by it's fruit. A good tree doesn't bear bad fruit, neither does a bad tree bear good fruit. As you examine the thoughts that goes through your head, they tell a lot about who you are. When you continually think hateful thoughts, and find yourself suppressing those thoughts. You know you are pretty rotten inside and you are really trying to fix things. Or perhaps, not trying to fix things - but still coming up with a pretty smile.

6. Scientifically, the more you think - the better you get at it. Part of it is a matter of skill, a big part of it is something about your brain forming connections which then allows you to think even faster.

5. One of the reason we promote self-centered-ness, self-love, and self-whatever, is because we always think about ourselves, and really, there ain't much good stuff in us, and we get pretty good at being ourselves. Sometimes that is good, sometimes - not so good.

4. It would be very boring to have no desire. Desire fuels thoughts, and thought kindles desires. Don't you remember lying on your bed and dreaming about your crush? In your mind, he/she just gets better and more beautiful, and the harshest word they say somehow become saintly. And before you knew it, you became more in love, and you think about him/her more - and the cycle repeats.

3. Pride hinders thinking. When you don't allow the possibility of failure - you don't quite get past certain thoughts, which might be easily solved if you just took another approach. When thinking, taking oneself too seriously (which in scientific language, refusing to admit that you just started off with the wrong inference) can be one of the most idiotic thing to do.

2. You get pretty prepared for arguments. Prolonged arguments in the mind can make you pretty sharp, such that you can smell a lie a mile away. (ah! that rhymes!) It is losing arguments in practice. Better to win yourself than let somebody win you - chances are you will hate admitting the other person is really smarter and got it all right.

1. Thinking this way develops some measure of integrity. (I admit, integrity is "heart" issue, but bad thinking fuels twisted logic). Twisted logic will undo and mislead you at every point of thought, as you would be so heavily biased in a not-so-good way.

The numbers match. They are supposed to relate.

Happy thinking.

(I won't condemn it, but I don't support thinking for fun. Thinking for fun promotes making fun the highest objective for thinking. I support thinking for joy, because joy springs from truth and love - and a person will have to think truthfully and loving to get happy. Its hard to think of a lie - an unloving lie, get convinced and really be happy)

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